Sunday, May 23, 2010

school pics

Finally we were able to get Liz some school pictures....she is driving frequently now and doing well. School is coming to an end and the first three week are the busiest.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Happy Mothers day

As each year goes by I accept mothers day and my birthday a little better. This year the family treated me so well and we had a great weekend. I would like to introduce the newest member of our family that I recieved for mothers day. This is Ellie. After 15 years with kitty kitty he ran away and never returned (assumed it was his time to go be with the Lord...he served his time here well and fulfilled his purpose). Ellie is not here to replace him but bring us new adventures and if you know my family we are always looking for another adventure. I also got gardening tools and more fun stuff for the wii machine.

The girls are wrapping up the school and not much new to update. Will send end of the school year updates and pics at the end of May.

Love you all

Thursday, May 06, 2010

some updates

As I have heard rumor facebook may go to charging for their use starting in July so I am going to revert to using this blog site again to update family and friends of all the changes and achievements in our home. Again, this may only be a rumor but I have also had request from some grandparents that they like this site to get updated.

With that....the girls are ending the school year at the end of this month. Seems like this is the most craziest time of my life. Mikaela had field day on Tuesdays and took first place in all running activities. She has grown in growth assessements from fall to spring by leaps and bounds. Math she grew 19 points, reading growth 8 points, and language 18 points YAY. Tae Kwon Do is still moving along nicely and she has decided to tryout for Casper Childrens Carole for next year (choir).

Liz received her lifeguard certification and applied for her first job today (waiting for response at this point). She went to Denver last week with her school for a choir competition and they took 1st place in both select choir and middle school and were 1.75 off of taking overall. She has a play performance with the school at the end of the year where she plays the "fairy godmother". Liz has also been asked to go to Europe in 2011 and will visit 7 different places starting in Londyn and ending in Germany. (raising 5100.00 could be interesting and mom is gonna try to go with her)

Mom continues to work at WBI and loves it taking on many new roles....I have decided to start a karate defense class with Liz called Krav Maga. Looking forward to this new adventure.

One day this statement will change but ken continues to work for US Foodservice driving. He is currently erecting a fence in the back yard and then it will be onto our first garden in the new home.

We have learned that the best way to challenge a marriage is to put up a fence together:)

Love to all....check for updates periodically.