Friday, April 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Mikaela

My baby has officially turned 7!!!! She has informed me that she is no longer a baby. Hah who says!
Here are some pictures of her party. We did the family thing and presents on Weds the 18th and then had friends over to party on Friday. (tonight) This was a good time. She had 9 kids attend and we did the doughnut game and lifesaver game. 4 of them stayed the night and will be gone at 9am tomorrow. (no sleep for mom) Meantime Ken leaves tomorrow at 7am to go to Indiana for the week so I am a single clean up crew and single mom for the week. Not to bad I can manage!

Enjoy the pictures.

Basement floods: 4/14/2007

It was a great weekend until we found that one of our pipes froze over the winter and busted. It is a pipe that went into our basement. Ken went to water the front yard and was having a wonderful time. He came in and decided to shower when he came down the stairs and steps in about 3" of water. So needless to say we spent the rest of the evening clearing out boxes and cleaning up. The next day consisted of repairs to the pipe and getting the wet smell out of the home!

When they say it rains it the meantime as we were cleaning up we discovered termites, here come the exterminators!

Not done yet....then the refrigerator decided to leak all over the kitchen.

I am about sick of water!

But it is all over and we are on our way to recovery! Just in time for Ken to get ready to head to Indiana for the week.

Sunday, April 08, 2007




from Left to Right: Ashley, Theresa, Ken, Kayleen, Mikaela, and Liz
Bree was unable to be here for dinner but she was with us in our hearts. Ashley is a college student where both Bree and I attend and is very homesick. We have taken her in and she has become one of the family. (Her and Bree are good friends and Bree knew we could help ease some of the homesickness...they come for dinner and family time several times a week and always on Sunday). Kayleen, is also a part of the family and is Liz's closest friends.
We have many family and friends that cannot be together during this glorious time but know that you all are a part of our family in our hearts!!!
Jesus is alive in each and everyone one of us!!!
God Bless to all
Have a Great DAY

Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny came first thing this morning. The 6 year old was up at the crack of dawn ready to find what the bunny left. The 12 year old was ready to sleep until 10 am....who do you think won??? We attended church service last night so it was nice to have the have the morning to move slow and enjoy the girls. I made pancakes and orange juice and then it was time to watch some Sunday morning cartoons. What a great morning!!

(A pre-teen early in the morning:)

(dying Easter Eggs)

(finding Easter Bunny droppings)

Monday, April 02, 2007

Quick Updates

This week was a little crazier then normal so here it is in a nut shell:

Liz and Mikaela had the flu (not fun) but both have recovered nicely.

Mikaela had her first injury with gymnastics (no broken bones). She slid off the beam and hurt her inner thigh. The good thing is she got right back up and got back on the beam!

Liz started soccer this week and is going full force.

We had a major snow storm that shut down every highway that came into Casper. This was not fun except to deal with it and go out and play in it. This also meant a day off for Ken! They never did shut down the schools so while Ken and I had the day off the kids went to school...Ken and I went SHOPPING:) (seriously; we went shopping so get all your minds out of the gutter)

It has been three days since the snow storm and you would never no it because it is gone.

I got an unexpected email from my cousin on my moms side to inform me that my grandmother was going in for bipass heart surgery. It was nice to hear from them and I called my uncle Roy the following day (I do not believe we have ever even spoken). Little awkward but well worth it! I have been following grandma's recovery and she is doing great and back home. I hope to keep the communication open with this side of the family because it was very cool to hear from them.

Ken's grams has made an awesome recovery and believe it or not after a complete hip replacement and being told that she may not make it she is home and doing GREAT! You go girl...I hope that I have that kind of motivation at her age.

Last but not least my prayers go to grandma Light and Stacy as her grandmother/great-grandmother has gone to be with the Lord this last week. This was a special person to the Light family and to many other people out there. We love you all and are with you during this time of sorrow.

Love to all