Tuesday, May 29, 2007


This is a little late...but better late then never!

As of last week our friend Ashley, who many of you heard about returned back home to Iowa. It was not to hard to let go only because our understanding is that she is to return for a visit in July. I would be happy to say that the visit would be because of us but this is not the reason for the return. During Ashley's last couple of weeks in Casper she met a very nice young gentleman, this would be the reason for the return! I certainly will not complain. Ashley is a very good young women with a very large heart. She brought extra laughter into our home and will be missed very much! Her time spent with our family will never be forgotten and we hope that we have shown her enough love that she will keep us updated with her future endeavors.

We pray for you as you make another new journey in your life. As God has already shown you many postive things in your life we hope that you will continue to follow his guidance and trust that HE will show you the way! Your love that you showed our family in such a short time was more than a mother of two girls could ever ask for. We thank God for bringing you to us and hope that HE will continue to keep you a part of who we are.

We Love you Greatly!

The Anthony Family!

Backyard Friends

Here is Opas new found friend. Ken and I actually noticed her last time we were in Denver but were unable to get any pictures. She also had a friend with her (we are assuming a male friend).

This new friend has decided to make a home in Opa's back yard (at the Colorado residence). We are still unsure if she has had any pups but are aware that she is using several of the backyards in the neighborhood to travel back and forth. Ojo (our family dog) is really having a difficult time sharing her backyard at opa's house with this new found creature. She really wants to play with it but it seems to run everytime she comes out. Huh I wonder why:)!

Neal Graduates

Congratulations to our nephew Neal Christopher Anthony. He successfully graduated high school this last week. Everyone is very proud of you Neal and pray for a future of success and fullfillment!

We had a wonderful visit with Neal and the rest of the Anthony crew this weekend. Ted was home from California and many people were in town to celebrate with Neal.

During our visit our Niece Rachel took the girls and Neal to a play called "Wicked" this was the first play the girls have attended and according to cousin Rachel they did very well. The play is based on the witches from the "Wizard of Oz" movie. It was highly recommended that the next time it is playing for Ken and I to go see it. We might just have to do that.

In the meantime while they were off to the play the adults: Ken, Theresa, Deb, and Dennis took a trip to Central City, Colorado. We went up with the intension of having a prime rib dinner and site seeing with no children:) We did expirence our first $1.99 prime rib. All though able to eat it truly was $1.99 prime rib! Ken played a 5 cent slot and I played a 1 cent slot, neither of us coming home with the big bucks!

The rest of the weekend consisted of shopping (Liz, Mikaela, mom, Rachel and Debby) and yard work (Opa, Ken, Dennis, and Neal). The trip home was long and quiet but always a joy to return.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Happy Anniversary

Happy 32nd anniversary to Melleen (mom) and dad Light.

I envy their marriage and hope that Ken and I can get through all the rough, sad, and of course happy, and exciting times!

Congratulations on yet another year!!

We love you both!

Love Theresa and Ken and most of all the girls.

What a Week!!!

As we ended our weekend with beautiful weather and lots of yard work we are blessed for the week we had and are excited to start yet another week of fun and entertainment.

Theresa is finished with her second semester of college with all A's and 1 B I even passed physiology with an A...I dont think I could do that again if I tried. Summer semester starts in June. Even with many problems with the students in the program I am doing well and loving the courses. Lets see if I am saying that after the summer session:)

Liz - Wow has she been working hard! she truly wants to end the summer with a bange and is doing everything she can to come out on top. She had her first band concert this week and shocked mom and dad with how good she is at the trombone. She played a solo and a duet and did awesome. Her band teacher wants her to try out for the all city band next year he thinks it is great that a female is playing the trombone (obviously not something they see often around here). She also had pictures for her dance recital coming up in June. Piano recitals were also this weekend and she did great. This is something she wishes her parents would allow her to give up but if you heard her play you would understand why we encourage it! Please pray for Liz as she has tryouts for childrens choral (a singing group in our town that is extremely hard to get into) this next week. This is something she truly wants (as well as grandpa Light) and has been practicing her heart out.

(piano recital)

(liz's concert - solo)

Mikaela - For once she has had a relaxing week. She has been fighting a cold so it was only two days of gymnastics to allow her to get well. She did perform in her first piano recital and did excellent! Getting up in front of people like this is not her strong point but as usual she pulled through with flying colors.

(mikaela's first piano concert)

Well....the hubby is calling as it is time to BBQ some brawts and have a beer on the porch to reflect on the week.

Next week.... off to Denver to celebrate our nephews graduation! I will update more.

Keep us in your prayers as we end the school year with lots of activities.

Love to ALL!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Happy Birthday Neal

Our nephew turned 19 today and is about to graduate high school.

This Blog is to wish him a very happy day!!!

We celebrated together at Debby's house and she did a wonderful BBQ...As always Deb it was wonderful!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEAL....you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Oh yay Congratulations on getting your drivers license we are very proud of you!!!

Trip to Denver

We took Ashley and Bree to Denver for some shopping before Ashley leaves back to Iowa. This was lots of fun. We hit craft stores, malls, and ate just about anywhere imaginable. The biggest thing was taking Ashley to Beau Jo's for pizza in the mountains. This was exiting because not only did it have the spring beauty but it was snowing in"MAY".
We also celebrated birthdays for Theresa and Neal.

When we returned to Casper last night we had 6 inches of snow in "MAY"!

I would also like to note that this was one of the first trips we took without Liz. She is at the age where traveling all the time with parents just is not cool...so she stayed with her friend Kayleen. I believe that even though it was an adventure for her it was also difficult. We missed her greatly and I think Mikaela had the hardest time. When we returned they were actually laughing and helping each other with chores:)

Enjoy the pictures:

(Bree and Ashley; Idahoe Springs; Beau Jo's Pizza)

(Colorado Rockies)

(Ashley and Mikaela)

update on house

We have the exterminator coming at the end of this week. The water pipe that burst and flooded the basement is fixed and the house is essentially back in order. The fridge was repaired nicely by the husband. All seems to be coming together.

Finals for Theresa are next week!! "YAY" Then it is off to summer school "YUCK"

The girls are doing all the year end stuff at school...I will post as they occur so be checking in.

We have band concerts, dance recitals, track day, fied trips, and many more.

Love to all


Liz started soccer for the Spring. She does well, and truly puts in her best effort. She is debating on going to a little soccer camp this summer. She will also be going to church camp. Soccer camp is a maybe because there is a possibility of her working with handicap kids at a horse ranch. She loves horses and she loves helping...this might be a good area for her!