Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mikaela goes Orange

Not to much happening this weekend. It is becoming my busy time of year agan. All things are rapping up for summer to begin. However, I wish the weather would realize that again as we woke up to another 3 inches of snow this morning.

Liz was at the church all weekend to community service hours for her summer missions we did not see much of her.

Mikaela had her Tae Kwon Do testing on Saturday and we are now the proud parents of an Orange Belt. She was a nervous wreck, but came through with flying colors. My understanding is now she gets to start breaking boards with her head?????

Mom spent the day scrapbooking (all day) and dad is working around the house.

Next week consists of 3rd and 4th grade school music program...and soccer games for Xenia.

Hope this weeks finds you all well!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Another birthday has come and gone....Mikaela now officially 9 (thinking she is 16) had a wonderful day yesterday.

We went to The Peak (rock climbing)for two hours with her friends. Then we arrived at home for some pizza and playtime. She had 3 young ladies stay the evening. (no mom nor dad got any sleep). Liz and Xenia were great at entertaining.

Bright and early this morning they were up and raring to go. Mom could not hear anything at 8am so she went forward in search of these 9 year olds. I found them out on the trampoline screaming at the top of their lungs to allow all the neighbors to be informed that they were up for the day.

Pancakes for breakfast then off to home they was a great experience. Amen it only has to happen once a year:)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter

What a relaxing weekend. We went to Denver and sat on our you know what's all weekend! Something I think we all needed. We did manage to color Easter eggs as usual. Church and a huge Dinner (thanks to Aunt Debbie) on Sunday and then the drive back to Wyoming. We also stopped for a quick visit with my nieces (Danielle and chelsea) They are all doing well. Brett looks great and is continuing to stay on the straight and narrow.

Quick updates: We head to Oregon in May for Rachel's graduation and will be celebrating Neal's at that same time. Keep checking the posts as this is our busiest (sp) time of year. The school year is coming to an end and with three kiddos this year life gets crazy. Xenia is busy with Soccer, Mikaela is celebrating her 9th birthday this weekend, and Liz is waiting to hear if they are changing the dates to the play she is in (this is not good, they want to change it to the weekend we are to be in Oregon, meaning she may get cut).

That's all folks!

Aunt Debby is helping with egg decorating


Quick update....I took my Certificate state exam on Good Friday. I am unable to tell anyone how I felt am feeling about this test at this time cause I just truly do not know my feelings. The true feeling I have is scared of failing. It was difficult but yet easy at the same time. I will say it was really difficult if I failed and if I passed I will say it was still difficult but doable (is that even a word??)

I will blog at the end of the week when the results are in.

More Visitors from Germany

As we headed to Denver for the Easter weekend, Xenia got the exciting news that her Aunt, Uncle and counsins were coming to the states from Germany for a vacation. It was wonderful because they flew into Denver the same night we were arriving from Wyoming. They took the rest of the weekend to tour the Colorado area and are heading to Wyoming on Monday for the remainder of the week. While in Denver we met them in Idaho Springs to have the famous "Beau Jo's " Pizza. If you are updated with my blogs you will find this is where we take anyone new and touring the colorado area. Yet again it was a big hit! Then they were off to the Great Sand Dunes (not sure how nice the weather was for this). Any way here are some pics of the family.