Saturday, January 09, 2010

Mikaela goes Green

Mikaela tested in tae kwon do today for her green belt...she did an awesome job and of course passed without a problem. She will now be with some of the older kids and is very excited.

Congratulations Baby Girl!

Happy New Year

Hope this blog finds you happy and healthy for the 2010 year. We celebrated the year with 3 9-10 year old girls and a 4 year old bouncing around the house and putting on showes. The were great entertainment for the Barrs and the Anthony's as we played games for the evening. Needless to say I was in bed by 10 pm and all I remember was little girls screeching from the living room at midnight then complete silence. Liz was off at a church lock?)

Anyway we hope that you all were safe and have a blessed 2010!